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Teeth whitening

A snow-white smile is a benchmark of beauty, which is why teeth whitening is always in demand among both men and women. ERA ESTHETIC DENTAL offers the most effective and safest methods of smile brightening.

Tooth discoloration is often caused by artificial coloring agents, smoking, medications, and age-related changes. General changes in tooth color, the appearance of dark spots or streaks, or deep staining of the dentin all suggest the need for a teeth whitening procedure. Laser teeth whitening can remove stubborn stains in just one treatment.

At our clinic, you can benefit from the unique TouchWhite laser teeth whitening procedure. This is a new generation whitening system that safely and painlessly whitens teeth, and this technique recognized as the gold standard in laser teeth whitening.

TouchWhite™ – a new generation of laser teeth whitening

Fotona patented TouchWhite™ teeth whitening method is the fastest, gentlest and minimally invasive thanks to the unique wavelength properties of the Er:YAG laser.

This procedure is currently the safest and least invasive method of laser teeth whitening.
The high effectiveness of this procedure is due to the unique properties of the erbium laser (Er:YAG) pulses and the special teeth processing parameters of the TouchWhite method.

TouchWhite™ technology uses laser energy more efficiently, with minimal thermal impact on the tooth, and the gel can be heated to a higher temperature without compromising safety of a tooth or pulp.

TouchWhite – advantage of technology

TouchWhite™ teeth whitening process uses the unique properties of the erbium laser – the Er:YAG wavelength reaches its absorption peak in water, which is the main ingredient in tooth whitening gels. Due to the high absorption in water, the gel fully absorbs the erbium laser beam and does not penetrate into the hard tissue or pulp, thus avoids increasing the temperature of the tooth.

Thanks to the unique properties of the laser, the TouchWhite™ procedure can be carried out significantly faster than with other methods, increasing the whitening speed by 5-10 times.

How the TouchWhite teeth whitening procedure works

During the teeth whitening procedure, a gum guard is applied to the patient’s gums and a whitening gel is applied to the upper and lower jaw teeth. The teeth are then irradiated for 20 seconds with the Fotona’s Er:YAG laser.

After the irradiation cycles are over, the gel is removed using a sponge and the teeth are thoroughly rinsed with water. A shade scale is used to determine the change in teeth color, allowing a comparison of the color before and after whitening. If necessary, the whitening process can be repeated up to three times in one visit..

How to prepare for the procedure?

Full oral hygiene should be performed at least one week before the procedure.

Schedule a short consultation* with our dentists at the same time as your hygienist appointment to assess the general health of your mouth and teeth for suitability for the whitening procedure.

*The consultation fee is deducted from the cost of the procedure.

Recommendations after teeth whitening with laser

For two days after laser teeth whitening, it is recommended to avoid or limit the consumption of staining foods such as black tea, coffee, red wine, chocolate, and to refrain from smoking.